The Network

And here I am, itching for an adventure.

Looking for all my websites, fanlistings, projects, and accounts? Well, you've come to the right page! Below you can find links to all those things. Enjoy your "journey" through the Sweet Dreams Network!

     { ♥ Websites }
The Sweet Dreams Network Collective

My website collective aka the portal to every website I own and created, and some of my many accounts. This is the best thing to link to or bookmark if you want a quick, easy way to get to my websites and accounts without having to bookmark each individual one. The latest news and updates relating to this collective and all of my websites can be found at the LJ community keyluna.

You are currently here at the collective.
My art and writing website, sometimes with photos and cosplay.

The place where I dump all of my strange creations I call art. There are both traditional and digital full color, black & white, and sketches here. There are even OekakiBBS logs, TegakiE logs, and sometimes paintings plus other medias. The second biggest part of the website would be my writing, which has its own separate section. Once in a while, along with art and writing, you can find random photography and cosplay posted here. Visit?

The Heart of a Dreamer Network Fanlistings Collective

This was my first ever domain name online, registered all the way back on February 4th, 2006, the first one to home all of my websites, and I went through a lot of havoc with it, so I naturally had an attachment to the thing. I decided instead of letting it expire, to transfer my fanlisting collective "Bewildered" to it. And thus, DreamerSoul.Net is now officially the home of all my fanlistings. Don't know what a fanlisting is? Click here to read up. Aside from that, are you ready to check out mine? Visit?

Etc, etc.
The rest of Key's projects and sites.

Other Websites
Midnight Lullaby Designs :: My graphics portfolio, where you can find a lot of my strange creations. I wanted to do a lot more with it, but I'm not sure I'll get to it.

Here's a list of upcoming projects:
♥ None currently.

Here's a list of possible projects:
♥ Cheap Hosting Website?
♥ Webring / Link Search Website?

     { ♥ Accounts }
Key's Other Stuff
Some of Key's many accounts around the web.

Public Accounts :: ShallowShadows
FanFiction.Net :: ShallowShadows
Gaia Online :: shallowshadows :: shallowshadows :: yohlee

Friends Only
Facebook :: Ask for it. Put your email in the guestbook.
LiveJournal :: yohlee
MySpace :: Ask for it. Put your email in the guestbook.